Location prediction using mobile phone traces has attracted increasing attention. Owing to the irregular user mobility patterns, it still remains challenging to predict user locat...
Daqiang Zhang, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Haoyi Xion...
The Personal Assistant for onLine Services (PALS) project aims at attuning the interaction with mobile services to the momentary usage context. Among other thing, PALS should adequ...
This paper presents two empirical investigations of future applications of mobile spatial interaction, i.e. the use of mobile phones as pointers to the real world. In situated int...
Gesture-based mobile interfaces require users to change the way they use technology in public settings. Since mobile phones are part of our public appearance, designers must integ...
Ease of deployment, wireless connectivity and ubiquitous mobile on-the-go computing has made the IEEE 802.11 the most widely deployed Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) sta...