The fusion of 3D freehand ultrasound with CT and CTA has benefits for a variety of clinical applications, however a lot of manual work is usually required for correct registration....
This paper presents a completly automated face recognition system integrating both two dimensional (texture) and three dimensional (shape) features. We introduce a novel fusion str...
Stefano Arca, Raffaella Lanzarotti, Giuseppe Lipor...
A well-known polymodal provability logic GLP is complete w.r.t. the arithmetical semantics where modalities correspond to reflection principles of restricted logical complexity in...
—As it is true for human perception that we gather information from different sources in natural and multi-modality forms, learning from multi-modalities has become an effective ...
In modal logic, when adding a syntactic property to an axiomatisation, this property will semantically become true in all models, in all situations, under all circumstances. For i...
Hans P. van Ditmarsch, Wiebe van der Hoek, Barteld...