Network wide broadcasting in ad-hoc wireless networks provides important control and route establishment functionality for a number of unicast and multicast protocols. In broadcas...
Reducing interference is one of the main challenges in wireless communication, and particularly in ad hoc networks. The amount of interference experienced by a node v corresponds ...
This paper introduces a novel energy minimization method, namely iterated cross entropy with partition strategy (ICEPS), into the Markov random field theory. The solver, which is...
We consider generalizations of the k-source sum of vertex eccentricity problem (k-SVET) and the k-source sum of source eccentricity problem (k-SSET) [1], which we call SDET and SSE...
Paraskevi Fragopoulou, Stavros D. Nikolopoulos, Le...
We address the problem of computing the 3-dimensional shape of an arbitrary scene from a set of images taken at known viewpoints. Multi-camera scene reconstruction is a natural gen...