A mapmaking robot integrates accumulated sensor data into a data structure that can be used for future localization or planning operations. Localization is the process of determin...
Securing interactions between devices that do not know each other a priori is an important and challenging task. We present Amigo, a technique to authenticate co-located devices us...
Alex Varshavsky, Adin Scannell, Anthony LaMarca, E...
Database-like query processing over a network of sensors has become an attractive paradigm for building sensor applications. A sensor query is characterized by data streams among ...
Vladimir Zadorozhny, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Alexand...
Abstract. We show how a program analysis technique originally developed for C-like pointer structures can be adapted to analyse the hierarchical structure of processes in the ambie...
Maude has revealed itself as a powerful tool for implementing different kinds of semantics so that quick prototypes are available for trying examples and proving properties. In th...
Fernando Rosa Velardo, Clara Segura, Alberto Verde...