We address the issue of encrypting data in local storage using a key that is derived from the user's password. The typical solution in use today is to derive the key from the...
Motivated by privacy issues associated with dissemination of signed digital certificates, we define a new type of signature scheme called a `Universal Designated-Verifier Signatur...
Ron Steinfeld, Laurence Bull, Huaxiong Wang, Josef...
Social Order becomes a major problem in MAS and in computer mediated human interaction. After explaining the notions of Social Order and Social Control, I claim that there are mult...
Recent popularity of interactive AJAX-based Web 2.0 applications has given rise to a new breed of security threats: JavaScript worms. In this paper we propose Spectator, the first...
Biomedical research on human subjects often requires a large amount of data to be collected by personal interviews, Internet based questionnaires, lab measurements or by extracting...