3D-model-based tracking offers one possibility to explicate the manner in which spatial coherence can be exploited for the analysis of image sequences. Two seemingly different ap...
Hendrik Dahlkamp, Artur Ottlik, Hans-Hellmut Nagel
Many applications in computer vision and pattern recognition involve drawing inferences on certain manifoldvalued parameters. In order to develop accurate inference algorithms on ...
Pavan K. Turaga, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Rama Chellap...
: The next generation of scientific experiments and studies, popularly called as e-Science, is carried out by large collaborations of researchers distributed around the world engag...
Srikumar Venugopal, Rajkumar Buyya, Lyle J. Winton
Solving large, irregular graph problems efficiently is challenging. Current software systems and commodity multiprocessors do not support fine-grained, irregular parallelism wel...
Guojing Cong, Sreedhar B. Kodali, Sriram Krishnamo...
Deformable models are an attractive approach to recognizing nonrigid objects which have considerable within class variability. However, there are severe search problems associated...
Christopher K. I. Williams, Michael Revow, Geoffre...