Formal methods can improve the development of systems with high quality requirements, since they usually o er a precise, nonambiguous speci cation language and allow rigorous veri ...
Fault tree analysis is a traditional and well-established technique for analyzing system design and robustness. Its purpose is to identify sets of basic events, called cut sets, wh...
Marco Bozzano, Alessandro Cimatti, Francesco Tappa...
In the past, some research has been done on how to use proactive recovery to build intrusion-tolerant replicated systems that are resilient to any number of faults, as long as reco...
Paulo Sousa, Alysson Neves Bessani, Miguel Correia...
This paper describes a comprehensive prototype of large-scale fault adaptive embedded software developed for the proposed Fermilab BTeV high energy physics experiment. Lightweight...
Derek Messie, Mina Jung, Jae C. Oh, Shweta Shetty,...
We initiate the study of error confinement in distributed applications, where the goal is that only nodes that were directly hit by a fault may deviate from their correct external...