The paper describes the implementation of competitive neural structures based on a spiking neural model that includes multiplicative or shunting synapses enabling non-saturated sta...
Eduardo Ros Vidal, Francisco J. Pelayo, P. Martin-...
Abstract. We present a system for automatically evolving neural networks as physics-based locomotion controllers for humanoid characters. Our approach provides two key features: (a...
The existence of multiple parallel loops connecting sensorimotor systems to the basal ganglia has given rise to proposals that these nuclei serve as a selection mechanism resolvin...
We suggest a recurrent neural network (RNN) model with a recurrent part corresponding to iterative function systems (IFS) introduced by Barnsley 1] as a fractal image compression ...
The article deals with the possible methodology of processing of data and information for the search of prediction of heat supply daily diagram (HSDD). The methodology includes te...