Interaction designers are increasingly faced with the challenge of creating interfaces that incorporate multiple input modalities, such as pen and speech, and span multiple device...
Kinesthetic feedback is a key mechanism by which people perceive object properties during their daily tasks – particularly inertial properties. For example, transporting a glass...
Parallel browsing describes a behavior where users visit Web pages in multiple concurrent threads. Web browsers explicitly support this by providing tabs. Although parallel browsi...
Scientific data offers some of the most interesting challenges in data integration today. Scientific fields evolve rapidly and accumulate masses of observational and experiment...
Partha Pratim Talukdar, Zachary G. Ives, Fernando ...
Content-based video retrieval is maturing to the point where it can be used in real-world retrieval practices. One such practice is the audiovisual archive, whose users increasing...
Bouke Huurnink, Cees G. M. Snoek, Maarten de Rijke...