Abstract. More and more software systems use a browser as the universal graphical user interface. As a consequence these applications inherit browser navigation as part of their in...
Pieter W. M. Koopman, Rinus Plasmeijer, Peter Acht...
The project SESAME uses semantic modeling and reasoning to support home owners and building managers in saving energy and in optimizing their energy costs while maintaining their ...
Most product search engines today build on models of relevance devised for information retrieval. However, the decision mechanism that underlies the process of buying a product is...
Short-range, point-to-point communications for mobile users enjoy increasing popularity, particularly with the rise in Bluetooth-equipped mobile devices. Unfortunately, virus write...
Nicholas Valler, B. Aditya Prakash, Hanghang Tong,...
Collaborative filtering is a general technique for exploiting the preference patterns of a group of users to predict the utility of items for a particular user. Three different co...