Decision-support requires the gathering and presentation of information, but is subject to many kinds of resource restrictions (e.g. cost, length, time). Individual users differ n...
A mechanism for releasing information about a statistical database with sensitive data must resolve a trade-off between utility and privacy. Publishing fully accurate information ...
Arpita Ghosh, Tim Roughgarden, Mukund Sundararajan
The collaborative filtering approach to recommender systems predicts user preferences for products or services by learning past useritem relationships. In this work, we propose no...
The standard database mechanisms for concurrency control, which include transactions and locking protocols, do not provide the support needed for updating complex geographic data i...
Petko Bakalov, Erik G. Hoel, Sudhakar Menon, Vassi...
Traditional collision intensive multi-body simulations are difficult to control due to extreme sensitivity to initial conditions or model parameters. Furthermore, there may be mu...