Given the facial points extracted from an image of a face in an arbitrary pose, the goal of facial-point-based headpose normalization is to obtain the corresponding facial points ...
Query by example of multimedia signals aims at automatic retrieval of media samples from a database, which are similar to a userprovided example. This paper proposes a method for ...
In confocal microscopy imaging, target objects are labeled with fluorescent markers in the living specimen, and usually appear as spots in the observed images. Spot detection and ...
Kangyu Pan, Anil C. Kokaram, Jens Hillebrand, Mani...
Approximate Bayesian Gaussian process (GP) classification techniques are powerful nonparametric learning methods, similar in appearance and performance to support vector machines....
Abstract— We propose to improve the locomotive performance of humanoid robots by using approximated biped stepping and walking dynamics with reinforcement learning (RL). Although...
Jun Morimoto, Christopher G. Atkeson, Gen Endo, Go...