In order to achieve the impression of a smooth surface while rendering a polygon mesh, normal vector vectors may be provided in the vertices of the mesh that are the average of th...
In this paper we present a formalisation of motivational attitudes, the attitudes that are the driving forces behind the actions of agents. We consider the statics of these attitu...
Bernd van Linder, Wiebe van der Hoek, John-Jules C...
After an outline of the history of evolutionary algorithms, a new ( ) variant of the evolution strategies is introduced formally. Though not comprising all degrees of freedom, it i...
With the evolving availability of wireless communication servicesand of affordable mobile devices such as notebooks or Personal Digital Assistants, mobile computing is becoming wid...
A new approach to tracking weakly modeled objects in a semantically rich domain is presented. We define a closed-world as a space-time region of an image sequence in which the co...