: Earth Observations (EO) collect various characteristics of the objective environment using sensors which often have different measuring, spatial and temporal coverage. Making ind...
Feng (Barry) Tao, Jon Campbell, Maureen Pagnani, G...
Geographical information retrieval (GIR) can benefit from context information to adapt the results to a user’s current situation and personal preferences. In this respect, seman...
Software has spent the bounty of Moore’s law by solving harder problems and exploiting abstractions, such as highlevel languages, virtual machine technology, binary rewritdynami...
Jungwoo Ha, Matthew Arnold, Stephen M. Blackburn, ...
In a scheduling game, each player owns a job and chooses a machine to execute it. While the social cost is the maximal load over all machines (makespan), the cost (disutility) of ...
A key issue in clustering data, regardless the algorithm used, is the definition of a distance function. In the case of trajectory data, different distance functions have been pro...