Companies providing cloud-scale services have an increasing need to store and analyze massive data sets such as search logs and click streams. For cost and performance reasons, pr...
The MapReduce programming model simplifies large-scale data processing on commodity clusters by having users specify a map function that processes input key/value pairs to generate...
Abstract--Today's molecular biology is confronted with enormous amounts of data, generated by new high-throughput technologies, along with an increasing number of biological m...
Background: DNA instability profiles have been used recently for predicting the transcriptional start site and the location of core promoters, and to gain insight into promoter ac...
Miriam R. Kantorovitz, Zoi Rapti, Vladimir Gelev, ...
Block joinpoints allow programmers to explicitly mark regions of base code as “to be advised”, thus avoiding the need to extract the block into a method just for the sake of c...