We prove that monotone circuits computing the perfect matching function on n-vertex graphs require (n) depth. This implies an exponential gap between the depth of monotone and non...
Motivated by database search problems such as partial match or nearest neighbor, we present secure multiparty computation protocols for constant-depth circuits. Specifically, for ...
We study the circuit complexity of the powering function, defined as POWm(Z) = Zm for an n-bit integer input Z and an integer exponent m poly(n). Let LTd denote the class of func...
—We show that the rank of a depth-3 circuit (over any field) that is simple, minimal and zero is at most O(k3 log d). The previous best rank bound known was 2O(k2 ) (log d)k−2...
Future progress in neuroscience hinges on reconstruction of neuronal circuits to the level of individual synapses. Because of the specifics of neuronal architecture, imaging must ...
Ashok Veeraraghavan, Alex Genkin, Shiv Vitaladevun...