—Sequence analysis is very important in our daily life. Typically, each sequence is associated with an ordered list of elements. For example, in a movie rental application, a cus...
Yu Peng, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Liangliang Ye, Phi...
To formulate a meaningful query on semistructured data, such as on the Web, that matches some of the source’s structure, we need first to discover something about how the infor...
As new mobile communication technologies are becoming broadly available, there is urgent pressure to populate them with services that provide returns for the huge investements mad...
In this paper, we study the problem of social relational inference using visual concepts which serve as indicators of actors’ social interactions. While social network analysis ...
Users often try to accumulate information on a topic of interest from multiple information sources. In this case a user's informational need might be expressed in terms of an...