Data-driven animation has become the industry standard for computer games and many animated movies and special effects. In particular, motion capture data recorded from live actor...
Eamonn J. Keogh, Themis Palpanas, Victor B. Zordan...
Extracting entities (such as people, movies) from documents and identifying the categories (such as painter, writer) they belong to enable structured querying and data analysis ov...
One of the main difficulties of pattern mining is to deal with items of different nature in the same itemset, which can occur in any domain except basket analysis. Indeed, if we co...
This work presents a new perspective on characterizing the similarity between elements of a database or, more generally, nodes of a weighted, undirected, graph. It is based on a M...
This paper discusses how to augment the WWW with a Dexter-based hypermedia service that provides anchors, links and composites as objects stored external to the Web pages. The hyp...