This paper presents a novel method for multi-relational classification via an aggregation-based Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) approach. We extend the classical ILP representati...
Propositionalization has already been shown to be a particularly promising approach for robustly and effectively handling relational data sets for knowledge discovery. In this pap...
Generating captions or annotations automatically for still images is a challenging task. Traditionally, techniques involving higher-level (semantic) object detection and complex f...
Ankur Teredesai, Muhammad A. Ahmad, Juveria Kanodi...
Inductive learning of first-order theory based on examples has serious bottleneck in the enormous hypothesis search space needed, making existing learning approaches perform poorl...
—In this paper, we present a UML metamodel-based approach for creating and executing workflow models. The modeling language is introduced through its abstract syntax, and an eval...