Color is known to be highly discriminative for many object recognition tasks, but is difficult to infer from uncontrolled images in which the illuminant is not known. Traditional...
Trevor Owens, Kate Saenko, Trevor Darrell, Ayan Ch...
Face detection systems have recently achieved high detection rates[11, 8, 5] and real-time performance[11]. However, these methods usually rely on a huge training database (around...
: A method for discovering multi-head attributional rules in large databases is presented and illustrated by results from an implemented program. Attributional rules (a.k.a. attrib...
In the realm of multilabel classification (MLC), it has become an opinio communis that optimal predictive performance can only be achieved by learners that explicitly take label d...
We introduce a new framework for the study of reasoning. The Learning (in order) to Reason approach developed here views learning as an integral part of the inference process, and ...