Abstract. Audition and touch endow spectral processing abilities allowing texture recognition and discrimination. Rat whiskers sensorisystem exhibits, as the cochlea, resonance pro...
Mathieu Bernard, Steve N'Guyen, Patrick Pirim, Agn...
Automatically extracting semantic content from audio streams can be helpful in many multimedia applications. Motivated by the known limitations of traditional supervised approache...
Network structures formed by actin filaments are present in many kinds of fluorescence microscopy images. In order to quantify the conformations and dynamics of such actin fila...
Ting Xu, Hongsheng Li, Tian Shen, Nikola Ojkic, Di...
Multi-document summarization aims to create a compressed summary while retaining the main characteristics of the original set of documents. Many approaches use statistics and mach...
Dingding Wang, Tao Li, Shenghuo Zhu, Chris H. Q. D...
Malicious software—so called malware—poses a major threat to the security of computer systems. The amount and diversity of its variants render classic security defenses ineffe...
Konrad Rieck, Philipp Trinius, Carsten Willems, Th...