Abstract. We introduce XMLVM, a Turing complete XML-based programming language based on a stack-based, virtual machine. We show how XMLVM can automatically be created from Java cla...
Λµ-calculus was introduced as a Böhm-complete extension of Parigot's λµ-calculus. Λµ-calculus, contrarily to Parigot's calculus, is a calculus of CBN delimited con...
The UNED phrase-based cross-language summaries were first introduced at iCLEF 2001 as a translation strategy which permitted faster document selection with roughly the same accur...
This paper describes an approach to the treatment of nominal compounds in a machine translation project employing a modern unification-based system. General problems connected wit...
Pierrette Bouillon, Katharina Boesefeldt, Graham R...
Virtual machines (VMs) are commonly used to distribute programs in an architecture-neutral format, which can easily be interpreted or compiled. A long-running question in the desi...
Yunhe Shi, David Gregg, Andrew Beatty, M. Anton Er...