Current phrase-based SMT systems perform poorly when using small training sets. This is a consequence of unreliable translation estimates and low coverage over source and target p...
We present a novel method to improve word alignment quality and eventually the translation performance by producing and combining complementary word alignments for low-resource la...
This paper presents a comparative study of target dependency structures yielded by several state-of-the-art linguistic parsers. Our approach is to measure the impact of these noni...
Xianchao Wu, Katsuhito Sudoh, Kevin Duh, Hajime Ts...
In statistical machine translation, the generation of a translation hypothesis is computationally expensive. If arbitrary wordreorderings are permitted, the search problem is NP-h...
Machine translation benefits from two types of decoding techniques: consensus decoding over multiple hypotheses under a single model and system combination over hypotheses from di...
John DeNero, Shankar Kumar, Ciprian Chelba, Franz ...