In practice, lexical chains are typically built using term reiteration or resource-based measures of semantic distance. The former approach misses out on a significant portion of ...
Abstract. The growing availability of GPS and localization technologies in general opens up new challenges regarding the use of position information for Location Based Services. As...
Biomedical named entity recognition (NER) is a difficult problem in biomedical information processing due to the widespread ambiguity of terms out of context and extensive lexical ...
Seonho Kim, Juntae Yoon, Kyung-Mi Park, Hae-Chang ...
This paper reports on a study of semantic role tagging in Chinese, in the absence of a parser. We investigated the effect of using only lexical information in statistical training;...
Many methods of term extraction have been discussed in terms of their accuracy on huge corpora. However, when we try to apply various methods that derive from frequency to a small ...