There is a huge effort in ongoing research on new middleware platforms and new distributed services to support ubiquitous environments and pervasive applications. Most research pr...
Francisco J. Ballesteros, Gorka Guardiola Muzquiz,...
Hardware dependability improvements have led to a situation in which it is sometimes unnecessary to employ extensive hardware replication to mask hardware faults. Expanding upon o...
Elisabeth A. Strunk, John C. Knight, M. Anthony Ai...
zFS is a research project aimed at building a decentralized file system that distributes all aspects of file and storage management over a set of cooperating machines interconne...
A mobile agent is a software agent that has the ability to transfer its program code, data and execution state across a network to a remote computer for execution. In this paper, ...
This paper presents a middleware infrastructure for integration of heterogeneous embedded devices in ubiquitous computing environments. The proposed infrastructure employs the Dev...