TCP has traditionally been considered inappropriate for real-time applications. Nonetheless, popular applications such as Skype use TCP since UDP packets cannot pass through restri...
Eli Brosh, Salman Abdul Baset, Vishal Misra, Dan R...
HiStar is a new operating system designed to minimize the amount of code that must be trusted. HiStar provides strict information flow control, which allows users to specify preci...
—Real time traffic adopting UDP at the transport layer needs some quality of service. It is offered through an admission control scheme. This paper adopts one such scheme which i...
— Network coding has been used to increase transportation capabilities in wireless mesh networks. In mesh networks, the coding opportunities depend on the co-location of multiple...
—The ability to scalably measure one-way packet loss across different network paths is vital to IP network management. However, the effectiveness of active-measurement techniques...
Yu Gu, Lee Breslau, Nick G. Duffield, Subhabrata S...