Abstract. The first step in various computer vision applications is a detection of moving objects. The prevalent pixel-wise models regard image pixels as independent random process...
We conduct a series of experiments to investigate the desired properties of a tone mapping operator (TMO) and to design such an operator based on subjective data. We propose a nov...
Akiko Yoshida, Rafal Mantiuk, Karol Myszkowski, Ha...
We are in the process of constructing a high resolution, high signal to noise ratio (SNR) dynamic MRI dataset for the human heart using methodology similar to that employed to cons...
John Moore, Maria Drangova, Marcin Wierzbicki, Ter...
— In this paper, a new hybrid photodiode-photogate (HPDPG) CMOS APS pixel for high-dynamic range imaging applications is presented. The HPDPG pixel composes of a biased photogate...
ct A color correction matrix is usually used to transform the raw color image obtained from color image sensors to adjust for factors such as variations in illumination and deviati...