This paper is about the elicitation of the requirements for an intelligent interface for a software test development environment that will accommodate the physically challenged (P...
Scan based or Line Sweep methods are a traditional mechanism to traverse the physical layout, or artwork of a microchip. These traversals are incremental in nature. They typically...
Type classes were originally developed in Haskell as a disciplined alternative to ad-hoc polymorphism. Type classes have been shown to provide a type-safe solution to important ch...
Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira, Adriaan Moors, Martin Ode...
During software evolution, adaptive, and corrective maintenance are common reasons for changes. Often such changes cluster around key components. It is therefore important to anal...
James M. Bieman, Anneliese Amschler Andrews, Helen...
The recovery of software architecture is a first important step towards re-engineering a software system. Architecture recovery usually involves clustering. The problem with curre...