As an indispensable technique in the field of Information Filtering, Recommender System has been well studied and developed both in academia and in industry recently. However, mo...
Several methods for computing observer motion from monocular and stereo image sequences have been proposed. However, accurate positioning over long distances requires a higher lev...
Clark F. Olson, Larry Matthies, Marcel Schoppers, ...
Path modeling for video surveillance is an active area of research. We address the issue of Euclidean path modeling in a single camera for activity monitoring in a multicamera vid...
Relevance feedback is an attractive approach to developing flexible metrics for content-based retrieval in image and video databases. Large image databases require an index struct...
We simulate the intravasation of liquid distention media into the systemic circulation as it occurs during hysteroscopy and transurethral resection of the prostate. A linear networ...
Stefan Tuchschmid, Michael Bajka, Dominik Szczerba...