The development of libre (free/open source) software is usually performed by geographically distributed teams. Participation in most cases is voluntary, sometimes sporadic, and of...
One of the most common forms of security attacks involves exploiting a vulnerability to inject malicious code into an executing application and then cause the injected code to be ...
Wei Hu, Jason Hiser, Daniel Williams, Adrian Filip...
The Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) model is designed to leverage the ease of programming of the shared memory paradigm, while enabling the highperformance by expressing locality ...
Test factoring creates fast, focused unit tests from slow system-wide tests; each new unit test exercises only a subset of the functionality exercised by the system test. Augmenti...
David Saff, Shay Artzi, Jeff H. Perkins, Michael D...
64-bit address spaces are increasingly important for modern applications, but they come at a price: pointers use twice as much memory, reducing the effective cache capacity and m...