Personalization has been deemed one of the major challenges in information retrieval with a significant potential for providing better search experience to individual users. Espec...
Julia Luxenburger, Shady Elbassuoni, Gerhard Weiku...
Inaccurate or ambiguous expressions in queries lead to poor results in information retrieval. We assume that iterative user feedback can improve the quality of queries. To this end...
Maher Ben Moussa, Marco Pasch, Djoerd Hiemstra, Pa...
Code compression is a field where compression ratios between compiler-generated code and subsequent compressed code are highly dependent on decisions made at compile time. Most op...
Out-of-memory errors are a serious source of unreliability in most embedded systems [22]. Applications run out of main memory because of the frequent difficulty of estimating the ...
We present the design and evaluation of Panoramic, a tool that enables end-users to specify and verify an important family of complex location events. Our approach aims to reduce o...