One of the fundamental trade-offs in compact routing schemes is between the space used to store the routing table on each node and the stretch factor of the routing scheme – th...
We present a novel approach for filtering XML documents using nondeterministic finite automata and distributed hash tables. Our approach differs architecturally from recent propos...
We propose a new approach for constructing P2P networks based on a dynamic decomposition of a continuous space into cells corresponding to servers. We demonstrate the power of thi...
Multi-hop communication objectives and constraints impose a set of challenging requirements that create difficult conditions for simultaneous optimization of features such as scala...
Milenko Drinic, Darko Kirovski, Lin Yuan, Gang Qu,...
: The Chord protocol is a structured Peer-to-Peer (P2P) protocol based on distributed hash tables (DHT). By using hash keys to identify the nodes in the network and also the shared...