This paper proposes new algorithms for the Binate Covering Problem (BCP), a well-known restriction of Boolean Optimization. Binate Covering finds application in many areas of Comp...
In this report, we describe three encodings of the multiple constant multiplication (MCM) problem to pseudo-boolean satisfiability (PBS), and introduce an algorithm to solve the M...
Nuno P. Lopes, Levent Aksoy, Vasco M. Manquinho, J...
Integer Linear Programs are widely used in areas such as routing problems, scheduling analysis and optimization, logic synthesis, and partitioning problems. As many of these proble...
We consider optimization problems of the form (S, cost), where S is a clause set over Boolean variables x1 . . . xn, with an arbitrary cost function cost: Bn → R, and the aim is ...
Javier Larrosa, Robert Nieuwenhuis, Albert Olivera...