We consider the problem of finding a maximum number of disjoint paths for unit disks moving amidst static or dynamic obstacles. For the static case we give efficient exact algorit...
Esther M. Arkin, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Valentin P...
Abstract. To guarantee the security of computer systems, it is necessary to define security permissions to restrict the access to the systems' resources. These permissions enf...
We consider the problem of embedding a metric into low-dimensional Euclidean space. The classical theorems of Bourgain, and of Johnson and Lindenstrauss say that any metric on n p...
Camera calibration is an important step in obtaining 3D information from 2D images. Generally camera parameters can be obtained by using traditional methods if a calibration object...
Intelligent reasoners sometimes draw conclusions that lack new or relevant information. Similarly, automated reasoning systems can produce formulas that are not necessary for the ...