Abstract. Markov and Conditional random fields (CRFs) used in computer vision typically model only local interactions between variables, as this is computationally tractable. In t...
Maintaining the stability of tracks on multiple targets in video over extended time periods remains a challenging problem. A few methods which have recently shown encouraging resul...
This paper deals with the problem of efficiently computing the optical flow of image sequences acquired by omnidirectional (nearly full field of view) cameras. We formulate the pr...
Luigi Bagnato, Pascal Frossard, Pierre Vandergheyn...
Recently, `entry/exit' events of objects in the field-of-views of cameras were used to learn the topology of the camera network. The integration of object appearance was also...
Xiaotao Zou, Bir Bhanu, Bi Song, Amit K. Roy Chowd...
Semidefinite programs (SDP) have been used in many recent approximation algorithms. We develop a general primal-dual approach to solve SDPs using a generalization of the well-know...