As chip multiprocessors (CMPs) become increasingly mainstream, architects have likewise become more interested in how best to share a cache hierarchy among multiple simultaneous t...
Lisa R. Hsu, Steven K. Reinhardt, Ravishankar R. I...
Digital rights management systems allow copyrighted content to be commercialized in digital format without the risk of revenue loss due to piracy. Making such systems secure is no...
Bogdan C. Popescu, Bruno Crispo, Andrew S. Tanenba...
Contemporary storage systems separate the management of data from the management of the underlying physical storage media used to store that data. This separation is artificial an...
Indexes for large collections are often divided into shards that are distributed across multiple computers and searched in parallel to provide rapid interactive search. Typically,...
We address the programmatic realization of the access control model of security in distributed systems. Our aim is e the gap between abstract/declarative policies and their concre...
Andrew Cirillo, Radha Jagadeesan, Corin Pitcher, J...