-- Tien D. Kieu, in 10 papers posted to the quant-ph section of the xxx.lanl.gov preprint archive [some of which were also published in printed journals such as Proc. Royal Soc. A ...
Background: Until today, analysis of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences has been the de-facto gold standard for the assessment of phylogenetic relationships among prokaryotes. How...
While sensor networks are going to be deployed in diverse application specific contexts, one unifying view is to treat them essentially as distributed databases. The simplest mech...
The construction of interactive server-side Web applications differs substantially from the construction of traditional interactive programs. In contrast, existing Web programming...
Jacob Matthews, Robert Bruce Findler, Paul T. Grau...
Bandwidth-delay product (BDP) and its upper bound (BDP-UB) have been well-understood in wireline networks such as the Internet. However, they have not been carefully studied in th...
Kai Chen, Yuan Xue, Samarth H. Shah, Klara Nahrste...