The advent of virtual environments such as SecondLife call for a distributed approach for norm emergence and spreading. In open virtual environments, monitoring various interactin...
Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu, Maryam Purvis, Martin...
Software engineering projects are inherently cooperative, requiring many software engineers to coordinate their efforts to produce a large software system. Integral to this effort...
Wikis are currently in high demand in a large variety of fields, due to their simplicity and flexible nature. Documentation, reporting, project management, online glossaries and d...
We designed eSports—a collaborative and synchronous video annotation platform, which is to be used in Internet scale cross-platform grid computing environment to facilitate Comp...
Gang Zhai, Geoffrey Fox, Marlon E. Pierce, Wenjun ...
— There is growing incentive to reduce the power consumed by large-scale data centers that host online services such as banking, retail commerce, and gaming. Virtualization is a ...
Dara Kusic, Jeffrey O. Kephart, James E. Hanson, N...