Abstract. Ontologies are a common approach to improve semantic interoperability by explicitly specifying the vocabulary used by a particular information community. Complex expressi...
Biological scientists have made large amounts of data available on the Web, which can be accessed by canned or precomputed queries presented via web forms. To satisfy further info...
Diego Calvanese, C. Maria Keet, Werner Nutt, Maria...
Model-based approaches in the UML/MOF technological space and ontology-based approaches in the OWL technological space both support conceptual modeling using different kinds of rep...
Abstract. The WSMO-MX matchmaker applies different matching filters to retrieve WSMO-oriented service descriptions that are semantically relevant to a given query with respect to...
In the same way as the “static” Semantic Web deals with data model and language heterogeneity and semantics that lead to RDF and OWL, there is language heterogeneity and the ne...