Code cloning is not only assumed to inflate maintenance costs but also considered defect-prone as inconsistent changes to code duplicates can lead to unexpected behavior. Conseque...
Libre (free / open source) software development is a complex phenomenon. Many actors (core developers, casual contributors, bug reporters, patch submitters, users, etc.), in many ...
Some free software and open source projects have been extremely successful in the past. The success of a project is often related to the number of developers it can attract: a larg...
—Build systems are responsible for transforming static source code artifacts into executable software. While build systems play such a crucial role in software development and ma...
There has been a recent push towards applying information technology principles, such as workflows, to bring greater efficiency to reservoir management tasks. These workflows are d...
Fan Sun, Jing Zhao, Karthik Gomadam, Viktor K. Pra...