Information flow is an important security property that must be incorporated from the ground up, including at hardware design time, to provide a formal basis for a system’s roo...
Xun Li 0001, Mohit Tiwari, Jason Oberg, Vineeth Ka...
The technique of trace-based just-in-time compilation was introduced by Bala et al. and was further developed by Gal et al. It currently enjoys success in Mozilla Firefox’s Java...
A number of deterministic parallel programming models with strong safety guarantees are emerging, but similar support for nondeterministic algorithms, such as branch and bound sea...
Robert L. Bocchino Jr., Stephen Heumann, Nima Hona...
In recent years, GPUs have emerged as an extremely cost-effective means for achieving high performance. Many application developers, including those with no prior parallel program...
Mai Zheng, Vignesh T. Ravi, Feng Qin, Gagan Agrawa...
The heterogeneity characterizing the systems populating the Ubiquitous Computing environment prevents their seamless interoperability. Heterogeneous protocols may be willing to coo...