Due to the information growth, distributed environments are offered as a feasible and scalable solution where Peerto-Peer networks have become more relevant. They bring many advan...
This paper describes GulfStream, a scalable distributed software system designed to address the problem of managing the network topology in a multi-domain server farm. In particul...
A new access method, called M-tree, is proposed to organize and search large data sets from a generic "metric space", i.e. where object proximity is only defined by a di...
The use of ICTs in the public sector has long been touted for its potential to transform the institutions that govern and provide social services. The focus, however, has largely ...
Tagging systems such as del.icio.us and Diigo have become important ways for users to organize information gathered from the Web. However, despite their popularity among early ado...
Lichan Hong, Ed Huai-hsin Chi, Raluca Budiu, Peter...