High performance architectures have always had to deal with the performance-limiting impact of branch operations. Microprocessor designs are going to have to deal with this proble...
The goal of the Argo system is to allow medium-sized groups of users to collaborate remotely from their desktops in a way that approaches as closely as possible the effectiveness ...
Hania Gajewska, James J. Kistler, Mark S. Manasse,...
PrincipalDomain is an administrative scoping construct for establishing security policies based on the principals invoking object services that may entail objects moving around a ...
This paper studies the interplay of network connectivity and perfectly secure message transmission under the corrupting influence of a Byzantine mobile adversary that may move from...
Kannan Srinathan, Prasad Raghavendra, C. Pandu Ran...
Abstract. We present and evaluate in this paper a multi-agent approach for range image segmentation. The approach consists in using autonomous agents for the segmentation of a rang...