Buffered coscheduling is a distributed scheduling methodology for time-sharing communicating processes in a distributed system, e.g., PC cluster. The principle mechanisms involved...
URL, or layer-5, switches can be used to implement locally and globally distributed web sites. URL switches must be able to exploit knowledge of server load and content (e.g., of ...
The primary goal of the Multimedia Router (MMR) project is the design and implementation of a router optimized for multimedia applications. The router is targeted for use in clust...
This paper describes performance tuning experiences with a three-dimensional unstructured grid Euler flow code from NASA, which we have reimplemented in the PETSc framework and p...
William Gropp, Dinesh K. Kaushik, David E. Keyes, ...
CardioWave is a modular system for simulating wavefront conduction in the heart. These simulations may be used to investigate the factors that generate and sustain life-threatenin...
John B. Pormann, Craig S. Henriquez, John A. Board...