Computational Grid technology has been noticed as an issue to solve large-scale bioinformatics-related problems and improves data accuracy and processing speed on multiple computa...
Resource management in the typical Grid environment based on multi-MPP systems or clusters today still is one of the challenging problems. We will present MeSch, a solution for the...
We introduce the Composite Endpoint Protocol (CEP) which efficiently composes a set of transmission elements to support high speed flows which exceed the capabilities of a single...
Due to the lack of multicast services in the Internet, applications based on single source multiple destinations transfers such as video conferencing, IP radio, IPTV must use unica...
Piotr Srebrny, Thomas Plagemann, Vera Goebel, Andr...
Abstract. Many advances in grid resource management are still required to realize the grid computing vision of the integration of a worldwide computing infrastructure for scientifi...
Alexandru Iosup, Omer Ozan Sonmez, Dick H. J. Epem...