Mesh generation is a critical step in high fidelity computational simulations. High-quality and high-density meshes are required to accurately capture the complex physical phenome...
Yasushi Ito, Alan M. Shih, Anil K. Erukala, Bharat...
Given the importance of parallel mesh generation in large-scale scientific applications and the proliferation of multilevel SMTbased architectures, it is imperative to obtain ins...
Christos D. Antonopoulos, Xiaoning Ding, Andrey N....
This paper describes our progress in creating a case study on optimistic computing for the Grid using parallel mesh generation. For the implementation of both methods we will be u...
Nikos Chrisochoides, Andriy Fedorov, Bruce Lowekam...
The primary focus of this project is to design and implement a parallel framework for an unstructured mesh generator based on the advancing front method (AFM). In particular, we t...