Emulation sits between simulation and experimentation to complete the set of tools available for software designers to evaluate their software and predict behavior under condition...
The CLA-EC is a model obtained by combining the concepts of cellular learning automata and evolutionary algorithms. The parallel structure of the CLA-EC makes it suitable for hard...
A model for virtual memory in a distributed memory parallel computer is proposed. It uses a novel parallel computing operating system framework and leads to the definition of two ...
We present a system for rendering planar rigid-body motion by means of a redundant parallel mechanism. The device design, the control architecture and the passive virtual environm...
Daniela Constantinescu, Icarus Chau, Simon P. DiMa...
High-performance I/O systems depend on prefetching and caching in order to deliver good performance to applications. These two techniques have generally been considered in isolati...
Tracy Kimbrel, Andrew Tomkins, R. Hugo Patterson, ...