Percolation has recently been proposed as a key component of an advanced program execution model for future generation high-end machines featuring adaptive data/code transformatio...
Adeline Jacquet, Vincent Janot, Clement Leung, Gua...
Programming languages that provide multidimensional arrays and a flat linear model of memory must implement a mapping between these two domains to order array elements in memory....
Siddhartha Chatterjee, Vibhor V. Jain, Alvin R. Le...
There is an increasing trend to use commodity microprocessors as the compute engines in large-scale multiprocessors. However, given that the majority of the microprocessors are so...
Recently, a server-less video-on-demand architecture has been proposed to eliminate costly dedicated video servers and yet is highly scalable and reliable. However, because of the...
The exponential distribution is a key distribution in many event-driven Monte-Carlo simulations, where it is used to model the time between random events in the system. This paper...