The DDP (Demand-driven/Pruning) analysis algorithm allows us to perform data-flow analyses of programming languages that are dynamically typed and have higher-order control flow...
System F is a well-known typed λ-calculus with polymorphic types, which provides a basis for polymorphic programming languages. We study an extension of F, called F<: (pronoun...
Luca Cardelli, Simone Martini, John C. Mitchell, A...
Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) provides assistance in modularizing concerns that crosscut the boundaries of system decomposition. Aspects have the potential to interact with ma...
Suman Roychoudhury, Jeff Gray, Jing Zhang, Purusho...
We present a possible world semantics for a call-by-value higherorder programming language with impredicative polymorphism, general references, and recursive types. The model is o...
Abadi et al. introduced the dependency core calculus (DCC) as a unifying framework to study many important program analyses such as binding time, information flow, slicing, and fu...