Consider the following question: does every complete geometric graph K2n have a partition of its edge set into n plane spanning trees? We approach this problem from three directio...
In this paper, we study the k-tree partition problem which is a partition of the set of edges of a graph into k edge-disjoint trees. This problem occurs at several places with appl...
The tree constraint partitions a directed graph into node-disjoint trees. In many practical applications that involve such a partition, there exist side constraints specifying requ...
The Fibonacci number of a graph is the number of independent vertex subsets. In this paper, we investigate trees with large Fibonacci number. In particular, we show that all trees...
Arnold Knopfmacher, Robert F. Tichy, Stephan Wagne...
A graphical partition of the even integer n is a partition of n where each part of the partition is the degree of a vertex in a simple graph and the degree sum of the graph is n. ...
Deborah A. Frank, Carla D. Savage, James A. Seller...